
Canning Pickled Red Beets

I love me some pickled beets. So sweet. They are such a pretty addition to a bland winter plate. And beets are loaded with nutrition, though the amount of sugar used might just counteract with that.

*Please note: I do not necessarily follow the tested methods of canning. But this way has always worked for me with no spoiling or food poisoning issues.

Step 1: Acquire a Large Bowl of Red Beets.

Acquire a Large Bowl of Red Beets.

Any dark purple variety will do. These happen to be Cylindra. This is 7 1/2 pounds of beets (not including the weight of the leaves).

Step 2: Scrub the Beets.

Scrub the Beets.

Leave the tails and about a half inch of the stems attached. This is to keep all of the color and nutrients from bleeding out while they cook.

Step 3: Put the Beets in a Pot…

Put the Beets in a Pot...

…and cover them completely with water.

Step 4: Place the Pot on the Stove.

Place the Pot on the Stove.

Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the beets are soft when pierced with a knife, about 45 to 60 minutes.

Step 5: Drain the Beets.

Drain the Beets.

Let them cool until you can handle them.

Step 6: Peel the Beets.

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