
One Week Lemon Diet To Detox Your Body And Burn Fat

In later years, there has been a lot of noise on the internet with numerous diets. Nonetheless, most of them have disappointed, primarily because it is complicated to follow them. Following Lemon diet is straightforward to follow and it will help you to get the best results, with efficient loss plan. It will support you melt away the fat, detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.

The main ingredient of this recipe is lemon. Lemons are greatly alkalizing in the body. Therefore, they can stimulate the body to support the pH level and eliminating the toxins from the body.

Health Benefits of Lemons

  1. Improves cardiovascular health
  2. Prevents anemia
  3. Treat throat infection
  4. Enhances immune function
  5. Prevents kidney stones
  6. Detoxifies the liver
  7. Cleanses your bowels
  8. Lowers stress and improve the condition
  9. Improves satiety

How to Burn Fat With Lemon Diet

Day 1

Start your day with hot lemon water. Just load an 8-ounce cup with hot water and insert about 1 or half freshly juiced lemons (two tablespoons lemon juice). Then, mix well and drink on an empty stomach. Recur this step in about 30 minutes before lunch. Its also recommended making sure you eat healthy foods during the day.

Day 2

On the second day, do the same. Drink hot water and freshly squeeze lemon juice on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before your breakfast and lunch. Next, drink extra 2-3 liter of natural water during the day. Perhaps, you can add the juice of 6 lemons to the mineral water for best results.

Day 3

During the present day, you need to consume lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. Nevertheless, for lunch, you can drink lemon water with your meal instead of before lunch. Just take mineral water with lemon juice throughout the day.

Day 4 and 5

Do the same as day 3.

Day 6

Begin your day with a lemon water glass on an empty stomach. Then, drink one more cup of lemon water throughout the day, both for lunch or dinner. Also, you need to drink clear mineral water or distilled water during the day

Day 7

Start your day with one glass of hot lemon water on before your breakfast. Also, try to eat healthy products throughout the day. Do not forget to waste a lot of bright, freshwater throughout the day. If you take this as a routine and recur every day, you will be charged with power, and you will shred all the extra fat as well! Good luck with Lemon Diet.

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